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Leon VanderPol

| Transformational Coach | Author | Founder |


Topic: Awakening Authentic Leadership Awareness

As a coach, our own presence plays a significant role. Are we coming from authenticity within ourselves or are our ego-patterns leading the way? And how would we know?
Each client looks for a relatable presence in the chemistry conversation. When our presence is anchored and authentic a client feels safe, and a relationship of trust is established
The power of our authentic presence then facilitates our clients to open up and connect with a deeper reality, one they may unconsciously keep hidden. When our way of being is grounded within our authentic self, we give permission for others to turn inward and awaken to the existence of their own authentic self.
This powerful awakening unleashes a whole new paradigm of leadership potential.

Leon is an internationally-recognized leader, teacher, and author in the field of transformational coaching. As founder and Director of the Center for Transformational Coaching, he has over a decade of experience as a coach trainer and mentor.

He is the author of A Shift in Being: The Art and Practices of Deep Transformational Coaching, a new paradigm of coaching which invites people to drop below surface-level engagement, explore the boundaries
of their existence, and tap into their most authentic self. Leon is a dynamic and thought-provoking presenter, who will leave you refreshed and energized to move forward in your life and work.

Learn more about Leon at


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